Is Homemade Pepper Spray Legal in UK? 

Is Homemade Pepper Spray Legal in UK

No, homemade pepper spray is not legal in the UK. The law there views it as a ‘weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other things’, which is prohibited under Section 5 (1) (b) of the Firearms Act 1968. 

This applies to all forms of pepper spray, whether commercially manufactured or homemade. The penalties for possession or use are severe, equivalent to those for carrying a firearm. Even household items repurposed as self-defense tools can be considered illegal if intended to cause harm. Always follow the law and consult with a legal professional if you have questions.

Concept of Homemade Pepper Spray

Pepper spray, scientifically known as Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes and nasal passages, leading to tears, pain, and temporary blindness. This effect makes it a potent tool for personal self-defense and crowd control.

Homemade pepper spray is a do-it-yourself version of this tool. It’s typically made by extracting capsaicin, the chemical responsible for the ‘heat’ in chili peppers, and combining it with a carrier like alcohol or oil, and a propellant. 

The process involves grinding the peppers, mixing them with the carrier, and then straining the mixture to remove solid particles. The resulting liquid is then combined with a propellant in a spray bottle or similar device.

Why Some People Might Choose to Make Their Own

Concept of Homemade Pepper Spray

There are several reasons why someone might opt to make their own pepper spray


Commercial pepper sprays may not be readily available in all regions due to legal restrictions or supply issues. In such cases, making pepper spray at home provides an alternative.


Homemade pepper spray can be less expensive than commercial versions. If the person already has access to chili peppers and the other necessary materials, the cost can be quite low.


Making pepper spray at home allows for customization. The maker can adjust the heat level by choosing different types of peppers, and they can also control the concentration of the spray by adjusting the amount of carrier used.

Interest in DIY Projects

Some people enjoy DIY projects for the sense of accomplishment and self-reliance they bring. Making homemade pepper spray can be an interesting project for those who enjoy crafting their own tools and solutions.

However, it’s crucial to note that making homemade pepper spray comes with its own set of risks. Capsaicin is a potent substance and can cause harm if it comes into contact with the skin or eyes, or if it’s accidentally inhaled. 

Moreover, the process of making the spray can be dangerous if not done correctly, as it involves handling hot peppers and potentially flammable substances.

Legality of Pepper Spray in the UK

Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (oleoresin capsicum), is a self-defense product that is designed to temporarily incapacitate an attacker by causing severe irritation and inflammation of the eyes, nose, and respiratory system. 

It is widely used in many countries, including the United States, where it is legal for personal possession and use.

However, in the United Kingdom, the legality of pepper spray is clear: it’s illegal. This leaves many individuals seeking effective alternatives to pepper spray for personal protection. 

According to current legislation, it is illegal for an individual to possess or use pepper spray as a means of self-defense. 

The law considers pepper spray to be a prohibited weapon, classified as a “Section 5 firearm” under the Firearms Act 1968. However, there are exceptions to this general prohibition.

Law enforcement agencies, certain government officials, and licensed individuals who can demonstrate a legitimate need (such as private security personnel) may be authorized to possess pepper spray in specific circumstances. 

It is importantl to understand that obtaining such authorization requires fulfilling strict criteria and obtaining the necessary permits.

The Offensive Weapons Act 2019 also regulates other types of offensive weapons that are prohibited or restricted in the country. These include knives, batons, crossbows, air guns, stun guns, and more. 

The Act aims to protect public safety by preventing individuals from accessing or using these weapons without proper authorization or justification.

The penalties for possessing or using pepper spray unlawfully can be severe. If found guilty, individuals may face fines, imprisonment, or both, depending on the circumstances and severity of the offense. 

For example, in 2019, a man was sentenced to six months in prison for possessing a knife without a lawful reason.

Legality of Homemade Pepper Spray in the UK

Legality of Homemade Pepper Spray in the UK

In the United Kingdom, the laws regarding pepper spray apply to all forms, whether commercially manufactured or homemade. The possession, carry, and use of pepper spray by common citizens is banned under Section 5 (1) (b) of the Firearms Act 19681. 

This law states that it is prohibited as a ‘weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or another thing’. This includes homemade pepper spray, as it is designed to discharge a noxious liquid.

The penalties for possessing or using pepper spray, including homemade versions, are severe in the UK. They carry the same legal penalties as carrying a gun does. 

This means that even if you make the pepper spray at home, you could face significant legal consequences if you’re found in possession of it.

There are no known legal cases or precedents that differentiate between commercially manufactured and homemade pepper spray. The law applies broadly to any device designed to discharge a noxious substance, which would include homemade pepper spray.

It’s also important to note that even seemingly harmless household items repurposed as self-defense tools can be considered illegal if they’re intended to cause harm. 

For example, using a can of deodorant or a homemade chili spray as an improvised pepper spray could potentially fall under this law if used against another person.


What self-defense is legal in UK? 

The UK permits the use of reasonable force for self-protection, protection of others, property defense, crime prevention, and criminal apprehension. However, carrying self-defense weapons like knives or guns is generally prohibited.

Are you allowed to make your own pepper spray? 

While it’s technically possible to create a self-defense spray, it’s crucial to adhere to the carrying restrictions and safety guidelines for its use. However, the use of homemade pepper spray could potentially lead to legal repercussions.

What is pepper spray called in UK? 

In the UK, pepper spray is referred to as desmethyldiydrocapcaicin.

What is the best alternative to pepper spray UK? 

A dye-based spray known as the Safehaus Mini Criminal Identifier is considered a legal and effective alternative to pepper spray in the UK. Personal alarms are also recommended.

Do UK police carry pepper spray? 

Yes, UK law enforcement officers are authorized to carry pepper spray.

Are any self-defence sprays legal in the UK? 

There are no legal self-defence sprays per se in the UK. However, products that squirt a relatively safe, brightly colored dye, as opposed to a pepper spray, are legal.

Why is pepper spray banned in UK? 

Pepper spray is banned in the UK because it is classified as a prohibited firearm under the Firearms Act 1968 as it’s designed to discharge a noxious substance.

What is the punishment for pepper spray UK? 

Carrying or using pepper spray in the UK carries the same legal penalties as carrying a gun. If you’re caught with pepper spray or try to import it, you could face arrest and a subsequent criminal record.

What can I use instead of pepper spray? 

Alternatives to pepper spray include personal alarms, tactical flashlights, self-defense keychains, stun guns, and bear spray.

Final Thoughts

On the whole, homemade pepper spray is illegal in the UK, just like commercially manufactured pepper spray. The law does not differentiate between the two. Possession or use can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment. 

It’s necessary to understand the laws in your area and always prioritize safety and legality when considering self-defense options. Always consult with a legal professional if you have questions. Stay safe and stay informed.